SLHS recently hosted a Wrestling dual assembly versus Mt. Pleasant High School. This event was attended by all Shark Tank students and featured our band and pom pon team, as well. We ended up winning the match 60-15 and our school spirit was at its peak the entire time. Go Sharks!!
about 2 years ago, Ben Brock
Wrestling Assembly 2022
SLHS shout out to sophomore Colby Taylor who built this John Deere B tractor in the Shark Tooth Woodshop. Colby’s tractor will be at the Gratiot County Fair for Youth still exhibit auction on July 30-August 6, 2022. Go Sharks!!
over 2 years ago, St. Louis Public Schools
Wooden John Deere B tractor created by Colby Taylor
School records have been updated!
over 2 years ago, St. Louis Public Schools
Saint louis high school sharks mens and women track and field records sign
Mr. Burleson is at the MIchigan International Speedway STEM booth today representing SLHS. Go Sharks!!
over 2 years ago, St. Louis Public Schools
RC Cars sitting in front of a green table with the sign "Square one education network the future starts with us"
Nikkari's open house will be on August 24, 2022 from 4:30-6:00
over 2 years ago, Nikkari Elementary